jordan wings

  • Concept

As part of the partnership between Casa93 and Jordan Wings, Kevia Mina, Ange Trembleau Girondin and myself won the design contest for a T-shirt and a sweatshirt on the theme of Ethno-cultural diversity in Paris. We approached this question from the angle of dance, particularly in the Hip-Hop culture. The dancer asserts himself as an athlete and the athlete as an artist. Dance, recognized as an art , a sport, is shared with others.

In any place dances can meet and dialogue. It is a language that exceeds that of words. It is universal.

moodboard jordan

The Body
The movementHip Hop

main jordan


Photograph of my arms in motion. Experimentation around the distortion. Definition of the chromatic range evoking energy and fusion.

process jordan

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jordan wings

shooting final jordan

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Casting of dancers from all over Paris Some do crump, others popping, waaking, litefeet and breakdance, electro or hiphop. All dance.

lieu tournage jordan

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An incongruous meeting in a parking lot when the sun goes down. We want to convey the message that dance can exist anywhere, with anyone and that in this, it is a vector of uniqueness and solidarity

—Art direction of the video and photo campaign, writing of the synopsis.

shooting et image story board

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Cast is made up of dancers from the hiphop scene in Paris. Drickson, Malorie, Zune, Erine, Double So, Babygirlnaab, Le Mino, Youyou, Jr Sniper, Daniela.

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